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Why work with a career coach?

I offer personalized guidance to unlock your potential and expedite your growth. Beyond mere mentorship, I serve as a strategic partner, providing insights, constructive feedback, and a roadmap for success.


Each of my clients receive specific tools, templates and scripts to help them achieve their goals.


In the ever-evolving job market, investing in a career coach is an intentional step towards not just securing a job, but crafting a fulfilling and sustainable career aligned with your passions and aspirations.


Working with me means investing in you.

Create a personalized development plan that aligns with your career goals.

6-week Mentorship Program

During the 6 week mentorship program you will recieve:

  • 45 minute weekly coaching zoom call with me

  • A career strategy specific to your goals, including worksheets and templates

  • Resume and LinkedIn optimization support

  • Interview prep and practice, including scripts and questions

  • A negotiation toolkit specific to your exact situation

  • Access to my network


This is the most efficient and cost effective way for you to work with me to see long-lasting results. We will discuss your goals and put together a strategy to ensure you achieve them, with me as your guide every step of the way.


I can't wait to work with you! 

Individual Sessions 

A 1:1 Coaching Session is right for you if you have a specific question or topic you need coaching on but aren't yet sure if you can invest in the 6 week program. 

  • College to Career Transition

  • Finding Your Career Path

  • Interview Preparation

  • Salary Negotiation

  • The Art of Networking

  • Resume & LinkedIn Revamp

  • Standing Out Among Your Peers

  • Navigating Corporate Challenges

  • Banishing Burnout

  • Career Pivots 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities.

Let's connect!

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